Con Morhen
Cosplay Contest

Roudnice nad Labem
May 1st-4th, 2025
Con Morhen Festival

Cosplay contest

Registration for the cosplay competition is possible from January 1st, 2025! The rules may change before the registration starts.

Cosplay is an integral part of our festival, and the cosplay contest is an opportunity for all artists to showcase their skills! Do you dream of standing on stage, showing off your costume to the world, and having the chance to win great prizes from our sponsors? Then this is your time to shine!

What do you need to do to participate? Have a handmade costume from the Witcher universe and the courage to perform on stage! And if you don't want to walk this path alone, you can team up with up to three people! Just send an email with all the details to

A total of four winners will be announced in the following categories: Contest Winner, Best Costume, Best Scene, and Audience Award. No contestant can win more than one category judged by the jury. So there will be at least three winners. Find out what prizes are available in the Prizes and Contest Sponsors section.

More information can be found in the Rules and Categories section, and we are already looking forward to your applications!


  • Registration takes place from January 1st to April 20th.
  • Individuals and groups of up to 3 members can participate.
  • The minimum age for participating in the contest is 15 years old (participants under 18 must have consent from a legal guardian).
  • The maximum capacity of the contest is 15 participants. In case of a higher number of applications, a waiting list will be created.
  • The contest consists of two parts: pre-judging with the jury taking place on Saturday morning (the location and time will be specified to the contestants via email before the event) and the performance on the main stage, where contestants will present their scenes. Contestants MUST attend both parts of the contest, otherwise, they will be disqualified.
  • Contestants must submit all necessary materials for the contest by April 27th (photos of the costume-making process, a photo of the completed costume or at least a completed major part, audio required for the stage performance in mp3 format, and the layout of props on the stage in a template provided to the contestants via email). Contestants will send materials to the email
  • The registration email must include the contestant's name and the nickname they wish to be registered under for the contest, the character's name, the adaptation from which the character originates in the Witcher universe, and a picture according to which the contestant is crafting their costume.
  • In case the contestant is unable to attend the festival, they must inform us via email by April 29th so that we can contact other interested participants (information for substitutes will be provided via email in case there are more than 15 registrations).
  • If a contestant discovers during the festival that they cannot participate in the contest, they must contact the organizers at least 1 hour before the pre-judging, which takes place on Saturday morning (in this case, we will not contact substitutes).
  • The announcement of the contest results will take place on Saturday after the cosplay performances on the main stage (participants must attend the announcement, which will take place approximately half an hour after the last performance).
  • Exact times will be published in the festival program, and applicants will also receive them via email.



  • Contestants must be the creators of their costume at least 90% (the foundation of wigs or contact lenses is not counted in the evaluation as part of the costume, which must be made by the contestant from scratch).
  • The costume must be inspired by the world of the Witcher: any adaptation or fan art. It is important for the participant to have a reference for the costume, according to which the costume is created, and the judges can evaluate the costume based on this reference.
  • The participant must be able to move in the costume on their own.
  • The costume should not be offensive. In case of any uncertainties, do not hesitate to contact us at


  • The performance must not exceed 150 seconds.
  • Spoken passages should be part of the audio recording that contestants will submit along with other materials.
  • The participant may have up to 3 props on stage, which will be placed there by the organizers.
  • The use of props or effects that leave a mess on the stage is prohibited (liquids, substances, confetti, etc.).
  • In the case of combat scenes, the participant must ensure the safety of visitors, contestants, and stage equipment, especially in the case of group scenes.

Prizes and Contest Sponsors

All selected contestants will receive tickets to the next Witcher Ball 2025 and a small gift from our merchandise. Winners of each category can look forward to great prizes from our sponsors. Sponsors will be announced soon!