Mandatory costumes
At The Sands of Ofier festival, every visitor will contribute to the atmosphere with their imaginative costume. Costumes are mandatory for all visitors on Friday and Saturday, September 6-7.
We recommend drawing inspiration from historic Near-East or North-African clothing, but historicist and historic fantasy costumes based on Europe or the world of The Witcher are also allowed. In order to help you with costume ideas, watch out for a post about costume inspiration later on.
Please be aware that in the desert, the sun can be scorching during the day, but it can get quite cold during the night. Therefore, it will be best to have layered costumes, so that you neither boil nor freeze in them.

Inspiration for ladies
At first, you probably imagine hip skirts or loose trousers, decorated bras, and belts with coins or beads. Such a costume would definitely fit in. However, keep in mind that the weather can be cold (especially at night). In a desert environment, that is, the days are hot and the nights are surprisingly cold, so the clothes include layers of looser materials. In the evening, a daring day costume can be accompanied by loose dress with long sleeves, belted with a scarf, which can be further enriched with more scarves, shoals, or cloaks.
Costumes are mandatory at the event, but don’t have to be from Ofier. The Festival of Water can be attended by people from far away as well, so you can make do with a more common costume inspired by the Middle Ages or The Witcher.
Inspiration for men
Same as ladies, think about both hot and cold weather and use layers. Loose breathable tunics and trousers can be enhanced with a caftan or a cloak. For headgear, you can roll a turban and don’t be afraid of jewelry, trinkets or other accessories.
Costumes are mandatory at the event, but don’t have to be from Ofier. The Festival of Water can be attended by people from far away as well, so you can make do with a more common costume inspired by the Middle Ages or The Witcher.